Sunshine Coast Dietitian Services

Phone and planning notebook on desk with plant

Personalised Planning & Information Session

Phone | 15 minutes | Free

This free 15 minute phone session is available to help you understand how a dietitian can assist you with the concerns you have. It also allows you to see if I will be the right dietitian for you. This is your opportunity to ask any questions you may have and to understand how it all works.

Sunshine Coast dietitian workout warm up

Initial Consultation

In person, online or via phone | 1 hour | $130 - $194

The first session is dedicated to data collection. I will gather important information about your goals, medical history, current symptoms, environment, routine, preferences, nutrition needs and training regime. We use this information, along with current evidence to identify tailored nutrition strategies that will assist you in achieving your goals. After every consult, I provide a summary of the session and a range of take-home resources and recipes that complement the strategies discussed.

Sunshine Coast dietitian wall sit in gym

Review Consultation

In person, online or via phone | 30 - 60 minutes | $80 - $194

Follow-up sessions focus on working through your personal barriers and challenges to achieving the health-related goals we identified in the initial session. We adjust the nutrition strategies as we go to make them suit you better, depending on how you’ve responded, if anything in your life has changed, what’s worked and what hasn’t. During these sessions we spend lots of time building your food and nutrition knowledge and skillset and changing the way you think about food. Review consults involve lots of coaching, counselling and accountability. Over time you develop the knowledge, skills and values to manage your diet on your own. It is recommended to have at least four review sessions over several months to elicit long term change. However, depending on your situation, ten or more could be required. I always check in via text or email between sessions to see how you are going and whether you need additional support before your next follow-up session.

Sunshine Coast dietitian meal plans

Meal Plans

$80 - $90

I offer meal plans for a variety of goals including:

  • healing your relationship with food

  • competition/events, including the days leading in

  • acute weight cuts, including refuelling and rehydration post weigh-in

  • muscle building

  • performance

  • hydration

As the meal plan is tailored to you, there is a 7 day turn around.